The Paintings

These paintings are visual representations of the seven Holy Days and festivals given to God’s people in the Old Testament and kept by Jesus and the apostles in the New Testament.

Six paintings are complete. One more, Passover is in the works and will be uploaded as soon as it is completed. The images of the paintings are high resolution images of 48 x 60 inch oil paintings on canvas. After you download them,you might want a professional print shop to develop the print to capture the detail.

Download all Files

For those who would like to make larger prints, 24 by 30 or up to the original size of 48 by 60 inches you should use the 50 mg images. If you are unable to print it yourself, please contact Robin Imaging in Cincinnati, Ohio to have them print  any size  you wish for their usual fees.  Contact  Scott at 513-381-5116.

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    Unleavened Bread

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  • Pentecost


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    Feast of Tabernacles

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    Last Great Day

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